Monday, February 24, 2020

IBM Medicare Via Benefits Medicare Advantage Analysis

Yesterday there was an article about Medicare in the Sunday New York Times Business section.  Unfortunately, it was not on the front page.  Everyone needs to read it!
It was, yet, another sad story about the misery of Medicare Advantage insurance and also captured the strategy of the current administration to dismantle Medicare by pushing it into a Medicare Advantage insurance delivery system. 
Please take time to read the article and tell anyone and everyone you can how these plans are only good for healthy people. When someone on that kind of plan gets really sick, they discover their plan's limitations and have no recourse but to live (or die) with those limitations.


  1. I happened to read the article in the NYT, and sent it to a friend of mine who is turning 65 in April, and trying to decide on Medicare with a supplement or a Medicare advantage. Since we live in NC, I highlighted the part about only being able to buy a supplement without any pre-existing conditions being considered, was when you first go on Medicare. When I turned 65, I picked a BCBS Medicare advantage plan because I was healthy, it was cheaper, and offered extras like $150 a year for glasses, including sunglasses( I got two pairs of nice Ray-Bans over several years). Later, after seeing a urologist for several years, he dropped my plan. Then, another of my doctors dropped the plan. Therefore, when IBM changed our retirement insurance, I jumped on the chance to take advantage of this "special condition" to switch to Medicare, and get a HD type F supplement at the regular price. It is costing me more money than the Medicare advantage did, but I won't have to worry about going through what this poor man in the article went through. I was a lot healthier at 65, than I am at 80.

  2. The way I look at it, with your current insurance, you are "insuring" that you will never be slammed with a huge medical bill and always be able to go to a specialty doctor or clinic if you need it. That's worth spending a whole lot of money. Medicare health insurance is just like fire insurance. If fire insurance coverage doesn't cost a lot, it doesn't cover a lot. If your house burns down the replacement might be a shack.

  3. Went to my eye doctor today. On the check in desk was a large sign that said " we no longer accept Humana Medicare Advantage plans. If you have it, be prepared to pay all costs incurred today". Another reason to be happy I switched to traditional Medicare, and a supplement.
