Tuesday, September 17, 2019

IBM Medicare Via Benefits Extend Health Re-evaluate your part D or MA plan for 2020

Did you get the 2020 brochure for your current part D drug insurance or Medicare Advantage plan?  More importantly, DID YOU READ IT?
Actually, all you need to do is glance at it to decide if you need to read more.  I received my part D brochure last week.  Here's what I quickly saw for my plan - wow, the premium when down a few dollars.  But why?  I read on.
Let me count the ways:

  1. The plan added a deductible.  For me, that's bad news because I would never meet the deductible based on my current drug use.  That means the only benefit I get from the plan is their "negotiated price" for the drug.  I'll have to pay full negotiated price in 2020 for my drugs unless I get new prescriptions.
  2. The copays, once the deductible is met, increased for brand name drugs.  Again, it's bad news for me because, right now, I don't use generics for the drug I take.
  3. It looks like the "network pharmacies" have also changed.  A local pharmacy is no longer on the list so I would need to remember to stay away from that pharmacy.
  4. The brand name drug I take is only covered in the generic version.  I cannot use the generic version.  For some reason, the fillers cause it to work less well for me.
So, during open enrollment, I will pick a new plan for 2020.  Since Via Benefits sells a subset of the plans available in my zip code (typically, it is about half of the plans I could buy) I'll look on medicare.gov to pick the new plan and then see if Via Benefits sells it.  If not, just by enrolling in the new plan through medicare.gov, I'll be dis-enrolled from my current part D plan.  Then, I need to remember to file for reimbursement of premiums for that new part D plan in 2020.  

The reason I am easily able to change my part D without engaging Via Benefits is that I buy a Medicare Supplement through them.  Reminder - you only need to buy one medical policy from them to qualify for the HRA/FHA.

Changing a Medicare Advantage plan is more complicated.  If you want to change to a new MA plan for 2020, you have to do it through Via Benefit to continue to have access to your HRA/FHA.  Be sure you check with your doctors before changing to a new MA plan to be sure they will take the plan.

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